There are 7 calculated character statistics for each player.
The player stats are calculated based on the combination of the race and class, so that class bonus' are added on to base race attributes.
PlayerStats = BaseRaceAttributes + ClassEffects
The health of a character is calculated using the following equations:
If Stamina is less than 20:
Health = BaseHealth + (Stamina - 20)
If Stamina is greater than or equal to 20:
Health = BaseHealth + 10 * (Stamina - 20)
The mana of a character is calculated using the following equations:
If Intellect is less than 20:
Mana = BaseMana + (Intellect - 20)
If Intellect is greater than or equal to 20:
Mana = BaseMana + 15 * (Intellect - 20)
Calculated player mana algorithm |
Calculated player health algorithm |